Ready to Ride? Let’s Connect! Rider's Name * First Name Last Name Rider's Date of Birth * MM DD YYYY Rider's Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Rider's Cell Phone * (###) ### #### Rider's Email Optional. Riders will receive practice, event & team communications in addition to the primary parental contact. Rider's School * Start of Fall Semester Rider's Grade * Start of Fall Semester 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Rider's Proficiency * New to singletrack/natural surface trail riding. Ridden on singletrack but not regularly. Comfortable on singletrack but still building confidence on features (log overs, creek crossings, rock gardens, etc.) Proficient on singletrack but does not think of self as advanced or has been riding singletrack fewer than 3 years. Confident on most singletrack or has been riding singletrack more than 3 years. Rider's Goal in Joining a Team Rider Medical Conditions? Allergies? Asthma? Diabetes? Heart Condition? The more we know the better. ALL RESPONSES CONFIDENTIAL TO COACHING STAFF. Parent 1 Name * First Name Last Name Parent 1 Address If different from rider, please include. Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Parent 1 Phone * (###) ### #### Parent 1 Email * Parent 2 Name First Name Last Name Parent 2 Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Parent 2 Phone (###) ### #### Parent 2 Email Additional Emergency Contact * Name & Phone Number Is Either Parent Interested in Coaching? * Yes No Maybe, let's hear more! Is Either Parent Interested in Volunteering? If yes, check all that apply. Race Logistics (help make race team area organized; secure snacks for athletes; hotel & dinner accommodations; etc.) Fundraising (help secure sponsors, donations and build team funds) Treasurer Bike Mechanic (bike checks and minor adjustments at practices and/or races; teach bike mechanic skills)) Social Media or Communications Photography, Videography or Graphic Design Whoa! We’re so excited you’re interested in joining the Delaware Dirt Destroyers. One of our coaches will be in touch soon!